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Item number: Cay35008-1

Eslicarbazepine is a voltage-gated sodium channel (Nav) inhibitor and an active metabolite of the prodrug eslicarbazepine acetate (Cay-23656). It enhances slow activation of voltage-gated sodium channels, reducing channel availability. Eslicarbazepine is protective against seizures induced by maximal electroshock...
Keywords: (S)-Licarbazepine, BIA 2-194, CGP 13751, (10S)-10,11-dihydro-10-hydroxy-5H-dibenz[b,f]azepine-5-carboxamide
Application: Eslicarbazepine acetate active metabolite, voltage-gated sodium channel inhibitor
CAS 104746-04-5
MW: 254.3 D
From 48.00€ *