New: NaveniFlex Cell and NaveniFlex Tissue by Navinci Diagnostics

Application Note von Navinci Diagnostics

The Swedish company Navinci Diagnostics develops highly sensitive in situ proximity ligation assays (PLAs) for cell and tissue samples. This technology helps researchers directly observe the interactions of endogenous proteins in individual cells and tissues and understand the dynamic interplay of molecules. In this application note, you will learn more about the two newest product lines, NaveniFlexTM Cell and NaveniFlexTM Tissue, which replace the original NaveniFlex kits and ensure that your experiments are set up for success.

These topics await you:

1) Optimized Kits for Cells and Tissues

2) NaveniFlexTM Cell for your Cell Samples

3) NaveniFlexTM Tissue for your Tissue Samples

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Optimized Kits for Cells and Tissues

The people working at Navicni Diagnostics know that diverse sample types demand tailored solutions. To maximize the value of your samples, Navinci has refined and optimized their flexible offering, aligning it closely with your needs. NaveniFlexTM Cell is a new product line that builds upon the strong foundation of Navinci's NaveniFlex technology. This cutting-edge kit is meticulously fine-tuned for in situ cell analysis, and delivers enhanced signal strength and a more streamlined process including a 96-well plates protocol.

Whether detecting protein-protein interactions, post-translational modifications, or low-abundance proteins within cells, NaveniFlex Cell stands as your ultimate solution. Offering flexibility, it is compatible with primary antibodies from mouse-rabbit, goat-rabbit, and goat-mouse sources. For researchers focusing on tissue samples, Navinci's NaveniFlex Tissue assay offers another optimized product line, specifically tailored for tissue-based studies. The refined product lines of NaveniFlex Cell and Tissue will replace the original NaveniFlex kits, ensuring that you get the best possible assays for your samples.

Why NaveniFlexTM Cell?

Rolling Circle Amplification

  • Optimization for cell samples, including a protocol for 96-well plates
  • Enhanced signal strength
  • Streamlined protocol – 1 hour 15 minutes shorter

Why NaveniFlexTM Tissue?

  • Optimization for tissue samples
  • Unveil signals otherwise obscured by background noise
  • Detect protein interplay in complex multicellular structures


NaveniFlexTM Cell for your Cell Samples

The NaveniFlexTM Cell kits include two Navenibodies conjugated to proprietary oligo arms (depicted as orange antibodies in the illustration). Only when the Navenibodies are in close proximity, they will trigger a rolling circle amplification reaction, resulting in a strong and distinct dot that is easily quantifiable. Choose from six assay versions, based on the primary IgG host species, mouse-rabbit, goat-rabbit and goat-mouse, and your preferred detection reagents from the fluorophore alternatives TEX615 and Atto647N:


NaveniFlex Cell is validated on FFPE cell pellets and formaldehyde/formalin fixed cells, MCF7 and BT474 cells. If you need other primary antibody combinations, take a look at NaveniLink, a kit to conjugate your own primary antibodies.


Comparison between the new NaveniFlex Cell assay and the previous version of NaveniFlex. The interaction of E-Cadherin/B-catenin was detected in MCF7 cells. Image a) shows the optimized NaveniFlex Cell MR Atto647N in use, while in b) NaveniFlex MR Atto647N is used. The signals are comparable, but the optimized NaveniFlex Cell produces more intense results.


Download NaveniFlex Cell Product Flyer

NaveniFlexTM Tissue for your Tissue Samples

The NaveniFlexTM Tissue kits are based on the same technology as the assays optimized for cells. They contain navenibodies with proprietary oligo arms that must be in close proximity to each other, to trigger the rolling circle amplification reaction. The kits have been optimized for human and mouse tissue and have been validated in FFPE and FF tissue. Again, you have the option to choose from six different assay versions:



Tissues are complex multicellular structures where fluorescently labeled detection reagents have been observed to bind unspecifically. To address this unspecific binding, Navinci has developed a new proprietary solution for fluorescent detection of protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications in FFPE and frozen human and mouse tissues. Now you can generate and visualize signals that would otherwise be obscured by background, thereby greatly increasing sensitivity of detection.


Download NaveniFlex Tissue Product Flyer


Navinci Diagnostics kits provide you with sensitive and reliable assay solutions that help you get the most out of your samples. Whether you want to analyze protein modifications, protein-protein interactions or localize your target protein: Navinci's products will help you in your investigations. Discover even more in the manufacturer's catalogs.

All Navinci Diagnostics Products


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