Application Abbreviations in the Biomol Webshop - and what they mean

In our webshop you have the possibility to filter your product search by applications for which the respective products have been validated by the manufacturer. For these, we often use abbreviations that are not always familiar. In this article, we would like to give you an overview of some of our application abbreviations and explain a few selected methods in more detail.

Antibodies for Flow Cytometry

Since the 1970s, flow cytometry has been used in research and industry to characterize and sort cell populations. Cells can be analyzed and separated on the basis of their physical and molecular properties. The range of applications for this technique is very wide. In this blog article, we want to give an insight into various possible applications of flow cytometry using specific examples from research. Antibodies play a major role in flow cytometry, which should ideally be validated in particular for this technique.