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Lab goes Green: Get your Lab Ready for the Future!

In terms of sustainability, there is an urgent need to catch up in research and development. How can you make your contribution and make your work in the lab more environmentally friendly? We give you a range of tips and tricks on the subject of sustainability in the laboratory. Be inspired, consciously act more sustainably and make your lab greener!

Research Donors at Biomol – Right Donor, Right Sample, Right Time

You already know the British company Research Donors as our partner and supplier of high-quality human blood products. But do you also know all the services they offer that allow you to customize the blood products according to your wishes? In this article, you will discover the extensive range of customization options offered by Research Donors.

Cheers, Ladies: Women in Science

No country in the world has yet achieved gender equality and, particularly in science, the representation of women is still low. On International Women's Day 2024, we take a look at the ongoing struggle of female researchers for recognition and the achievements of some outstanding female scientists.

New Addition to the Biomol Family: the Company ELK Biotechnology

Biomol is constantly looking for reliable partners who support our vision of fulfilling the needs of the life science community with their products. Therefore, we are very pleased to introduce our new supplier ELK Biotechnology to you!
In the summer of 2023, our student employee Emily traveled to Norway for an exciting research internship. In this blog article, Emily reports on her research project on stress granules as well as her travels and experiences in the "Land of the Fjords".

You have the Vision, We have - a Vision too!

Since the beginning of 2021, Biomol has been part of the Nordic Biosite Group - a merger of various European life science distributors. To express the group's ambition to become the leading supplier of life science products throughout Europe, the Nordic Biosite Group has now been renamed and will in future be known as "Europa Biosite".

As a Newcomer at Conferences

For about 1.5 years, more and more conferences have been held again as face-to-face events - which we are of course very pleased about. In this blog post, our employee Eva, who started at Biomol in December 2021 and for whom conference visits as a company member were new territory, tells us what she experienced at her first conferences.

Application Abbreviations in the Biomol Webshop - and what they mean

In our webshop you have the possibility to filter your product search by applications for which the respective products have been validated by the manufacturer. For these, we often use abbreviations that are not always familiar. In this article, we would like to give you an overview of some of our application abbreviations and explain a few selected methods in more detail.

The 10 Most Cited Products at Biomol - A New Edition

In our May 2021 blog article, we featured the 10 most cited products from our portfolio of more than 700,000 products. After more than a year, we decided to republish this article. What has changed? Are there any new products in the top 10, is there perhaps even a new frontrunner? And what's behind the products? In this blog article, you will get answers to all these questions.

Donating Blood for Science: The Research Donors Company

Even after Halloween, things stay bloody at Biomol - with our new partner Research Donors! The UK-based company specializes in the distribution of fresh, highly characterized human blood products. Find out what's behind the company, how sample collection and processing work, and what types of products are available in Research Donors' lineup in our new blog post!
Genes, proteins and chemicals often have rather complicated, meaningless names. However, some names deviate from the standardized nomenclature. But what exactly is behind molecules with names like Yoda or Spock? What are they used for in research? And how did they get their unusual names? Here's a list of the top 10 biomol products with the funniest names - and what's behind them!

Biomol at the 73rd Mosbacher Kolloquium

Normally, Biomol participates in various conferences each year to interact with the scientific community in person. However, due to the Corona pandemic, most conferences were not organized at all or only in digital format. At the end of March 2022, the Mosbacher Kolloquium was held again for the first time after it had been cancelled in the previous two years – and we were there.
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