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InVivoKines™ are a new generation of fusion proteins with improved activity and stability for your in vivo research! They enable scientists to delve deeper into the complex world of cytokines in living organisms, gaining new insights and opening doors to effective therapies. Learn more about the technology behind InVivoKines™ and get an overview of the different product types and their applications.

Inflammasomes - "Ignition Agents" of the Immune System

Inflammasomes are multi-protein complexes whose activity has been implicated in physiological and pathological inflammation. The hallmarks of inflammasome activation are the maturation of the cytokines IL-1β and IL-18, and the processing of gasdermin D to mediate cytokine release and pyroptosis from cells of the innate immune system.

The 10 Most Cited Products at Biomol - A New Edition

In our May 2021 blog article, we featured the 10 most cited products from our portfolio of more than 700,000 products. After more than a year, we decided to republish this article. What has changed? Are there any new products in the top 10, is there perhaps even a new frontrunner? And what's behind the products? In this blog article, you will get answers to all these questions.

Semaglutide Effectively Reduces Obesity

Obesity represents one of the greatest global health problems. With the addition of the diabetes drug semaglutide, a pharmacological therapy option could now be used to effectively reduce weight.
For the detection of neutralizing antibodies of SARS-CoV-2, sELISA kits offer a convenient alternative to neutralization tests, as they can be used under standard laboratory safety conditions. A recent study compared two commercially available kits and tested their specificity and selectivity.

Autoimmune Disease Biomarkers APRIL & BAFF

The B cell-stimulating molecules BAFF and APRIL are critical factors in the maintenance of the B cell pool and humoral immunity.

Progranulin – Marker of Neuroinflammation

Progranulin is a stress-induced protein with multifunctional biological activities, including major roles in cancer, inflammation, metabolic diseases and neurodegeneration.

Inflammasomes and Gasdermin D Signaling Pathways

Pyroptosis is an inflammatory programmed cell death, which is induced by inflammatory caspases. During this process, Gasdermin D (GSDMD) is a central mediator of pyroptotic cell death.

Using Existing Therapeutics Against COVID-19

Currently, there are no approved drugs to treat the SARS-CoV-2 infection that causes COVID-19. Existing drugs are being examined for strategies to treat the disease.

ACE2 - The SARS-CoV-2 Receptor

The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, shares 79.5% sequence identity with the virus responsible for SARS. Both viruses use the same receptor ACE2 for mediating viral entry into host cells.

The Tubulin Code

The role of post-translational modifications of tubulins.

Obesity and Diabetes

This article focuses on the differences between white, brown and beige adipose tissue, as well as the role of adipokines in the development of obesity and insulin resistance.
Tags: AdipoGen, Obesity
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