CCT7 (Vector pENTR223.1, Accession No. BC019296)

CCT7 (Vector pENTR223.1, Accession No. BC019296)
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CSB-CL859112HU.10 10 µg - - -

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Length: 1632 Sequence: atgatgccca caccagttat cctattgaaa gaggggactg atagctccca aggcatcccc... more
Product information "CCT7 (Vector pENTR223.1, Accession No. BC019296)"
Length: 1632 Sequence: atgatgccca caccagttat cctattgaaa gaggggactg atagctccca aggcatcccc cagcttgtga gtaacatcag tgcctgccag gtgattgctg aggctgtaag aactaccctg ggtccccgtg gcatggacaa gcttattgta gatggcagag gcaaagcaac aatttctaat gatggggcca caattctgaa acttcttgat gttgtccatc ctgcagcaaa gactttggta gacattgcca aatcccaaga tgctgaggtg ggtgatggca ccacctcagt gaccttgctg gctgcagagt ttctgaagca ggtgaaaccc tatgtggagg aaggtttaca cccccagatc atcattcgag ctttccgcac agccacccag ctggcagtta acaagatcaa agagattgct gtgaccgtga agaaggcaga taaagtggag cagaggaagc tgctggaaaa gtgtgccatg accgctctga gctccaagct gatctcccag cagaaagctt tctttgctaa gatggtggtg gatgcagtga tgatgctcga tgatttgctg cagcttaaaa tgattggaat caagaaggta cagggtggag ccctcgagga ttctcagctg gtagctggtg ttgcattcaa gaagactttc tcttacgctg ggtttgaaat gcaacccaaa aagtaccaca atcccaagat tgcccttttg aatgtcgagc tcgagttgaa agctgagaaa gacaatgctg agataagagt ccacacagtt gaggattatc aggcaattgt tgatgctgag tggaacattc tctatgacaa gttagagaag atccatcatt ctggagccaa agttgtcttg tccaaactcc ccattgggga tgtggccacc cagtactttg ctgacaggga catgttctgt gctggccgag tacctgagga ggatctgaag aggacaatga tggcctgtgg aggctcaatc cagaccagtg tgaatgctct gtcagcagat gtgctgggtc gatgccaggt gtttgaagag acccagattg gaggcgagag gtacaatttt tttactggct gccccaaggc caagacatgc accttcattc tccgtggcgg cgccgagcag tttatggagg agacagagcg gtccctgcat gatgccatca tgatcgtcag gagggccatc aagaatgatt cagtggtggc tggtggcggg gccattgaga tggaactctc caagtacctg cgggattact caaggactat tccaggaaaa cagcagctgt tgattggggc ttatgccaag gccttggaga ttatcccacg ccagctgtgt gacaatgctg gctttgatgc cacaaacatt ctcaacaagc tgcgggctcg gcatgcccag gggggtacat ggtatggagt agacatcaac aacgaggaca ttgctgacaa ctttgaagct ttcgtgtggg agccagctat ggtgcggatc aatgcgctga cagcagcctc tgaggctgcg tgcctgatcg tgtctgtaga tgaaaccatc aagaaccccc gctcgactgt ggatgctccc acagcagcag gccggggccg tggtcgtggc cgcccccact Protein function: Component of the chaperonin-containing T-complex (TRiC), a molecular chaperone complex that assists the folding of proteins upon ATP hydrolysis (PubMed:25467444). The TRiC complex mediates the folding of WRAP53/TCAB1, thereby regulating telomere maintenance (PubMed:25467444). The TRiC complex plays a role in the folding of actin and tubulin (Probable). [The UniProt Consortium]
Keywords: CCT7, CCTH
Supplier: Cusabio
Supplier-Nr: CL859112HU


Application: Molecular biology, clone
Species reactivity: human

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Storage: +4°C
Shipping: +4°C (International: +4°C)
Our products are for laboratory research use only: Not for administration to humans!
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