1 products were found matching "O77564"!

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Glutamate carboxypeptidase 2 (FOLH1), partial, Biotinylated, swine, recombinant
Glutamate carboxypeptidase 2 (FOLH1), partial,...

Item number: CSB-EP008782PI11-B.1

Organism: Sus scrofa (Pig). Source: E.coli. Expression Region: 44-751aa. Protein Length: Partial. Tag Info: N-terminal MBP-tagged and C-terminal 6xHis-Avi-tagged. Target Protein Sequence: KSPNEAANIS PQHNVKKAFL DELKAENIKT FLYNFTRIPH LAGTEQNFQL AKQIQSQWKE FGLDSVELAH YDVLLSYPNK TRPNYISIID EDGNEIFNTS LFEPPPPGYE...
Keywords: FGCP, mGCP, GCPII, FOLH1, NAALAD1, NAALADase I, EC=, Folate hydrolase 1, Glutamate carboxypeptidase 2, Glutamate...
Application: Activity not tested
Expressed in: E.coli
Origin: swine
MW: 128.0 kD
2,284.00€ *