
You want to buy antibodies? At Biomol you will find the right mono- or polyclonal antibody for your research. Select conjugated (labeled) primary antibodies (e.g. with FITC or biotin) for direct immunodetection of your antigens or primary plus secondary antibodies for indirect antigen detection. Antibodies of immunoglobulin class G (IgG) are predominantly used for immunological detection. They consist of four protein chains: two light chains (L) each having a molecular weight of 25 kDa as well as two heavy chains (H) of 50 kDa each. Linked by disulfide bridges, heavy and light chains (H + L) together form the well known antibody structure. Enzyme digestion of these immunoglobulins produces antibody fragments with advantagous properties for certain experiments.

You want to buy antibodies? At Biomol you will find the right mono- or polyclonal antibody for your research . Select conjugated (labeled) primary antibodies (e.g. with FITC or biotin) for direct... read more »
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You want to buy antibodies? At Biomol you will find the right mono- or polyclonal antibody for your research. Select conjugated (labeled) primary antibodies (e.g. with FITC or biotin) for direct immunodetection of your antigens or primary plus secondary antibodies for indirect antigen detection. Antibodies of immunoglobulin class G (IgG) are predominantly used for immunological detection. They consist of four protein chains: two light chains (L) each having a molecular weight of 25 kDa as well as two heavy chains (H) of 50 kDa each. Linked by disulfide bridges, heavy and light chains (H + L) together form the well known antibody structure. Enzyme digestion of these immunoglobulins produces antibody fragments with advantagous properties for certain experiments.

27406 from 29612 pages
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Anti-Polymyxin B, clone 45 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-Polymyxin B, clone 45 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7063

The monoclonal antibody 45 reacts with Polymyxin B. The antibody binds to free Polymyxin B as well as to Polymyxin B already bound to LPS. The peptide antibiotic Polymyxin B (PMB) binds to bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS). The interaction of PMB with LPS involves ionic forces between amino groups in PMB...
Keywords: Mouse anti-Polymyxin B, clone 45 (Monoclonal)
Application: ELISA, WB
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: human
581.00€ *
Anti-LTA, clone 55 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-LTA, clone 55 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7064

The monoclonal antibody 55 recognizes lipoteichoic acid (LTA). LTA, a glycerol phosphate surface polymer, is a component of the envelope of Gram-positive bacteria. LTA is anchored via its glycolipids to the membrane and carries a polysaccharide chain extending into the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall. LTA is...
Keywords: Mouse anti-LTA, clone 55 (Monoclonal)
Application: ELISA, IHC, WB
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: n/a
581.00€ *
Anti-MBL, clone 3E7 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-MBL, clone 3E7 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7065

Protein function: Core component of nucleosome. Nucleosomes wrap and compact DNA into chromatin, limiting DNA accessibility to the cellular machineries which require DNA as a template. Histones thereby play a central role in transcription regulation, DNA repair, DNA replication and chromosomal stability. DNA...
Keywords: Anti-H4C1, Anti-H4C2, Anti-H4C4, Anti-H4C5, Anti-H4C6, Anti-H4C9, Anti-H4C8, Anti-H4C3, Anti-H4C11, Anti-H4C14,...
Application: FC, IHC
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: human
644.00€ *
Anti-CD46, clone M177 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-CD46, clone M177 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7066

Protein function: Acts as a cofactor for complement factor I, a serine protease which protects autologous cells against complement-mediated injury by cleaving C3b and C4b deposited on host tissue. May be involved in the fusion of the spermatozoa with the oocyte during fertilization. Also acts as a costimulatory...
Keywords: Anti-TLX, Anti-MCP, Anti-CD46, Anti-Membrane cofactor protein, Anti-Trophoblast leukocyte common antigen, Mouse anti-CD46,...
Application: FC, IHC, IP, WB
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: human
519.00€ *
Anti-C9 (c-term), clone X197 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-C9 (c-term), clone X197 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7068

Protein function: Constituent of the membrane attack complex (MAC) that plays a key role in the innate and adaptive immune response by forming pores in the plasma membrane of target cells (PubMed:9634479, PubMed:9212048, PubMed:26841934). C9 is the pore-forming subunit of the MAC (PubMed:4055801, PubMed:26841934,...
Keywords: Anti-C9, Mouse anti-C9 (c-term), clone X197 (Monoclonal)
Application: FC, IHC, IP, WB
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: human
519.00€ *
Anti-PR3, clone PR3G-2 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-PR3, clone PR3G-2 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7069

MON7069 reacts with human proteinase 3 (PR3), a 30 kDa protein. PR3 is a major antigen recognized by autoantibodies directed against cytoplasmic proteins of neutrophilic granulocytes and monocytes (called anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA)). ANCA are able to activate primed neutrophils to produce...
Keywords: Anti-MBN, Anti-PR3, Anti-P29, Anti-PR-3, Anti-AGP7, Anti-NP-4, Anti-PRTN3, Anti-Myeloblastin, Anti-C-ANCA antigen,...
Application: FC, IHC, IP, WB
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: human
471.00€ *
Anti-RBP, clone G4E4 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-RBP, clone G4E4 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7071

Protein function: Retinol-binding protein that mediates retinol transport in blood plasma (PubMed:5541771). Delivers retinol from the liver stores to the peripheral tissues (Probable). Transfers the bound all-trans retinol to STRA6, that then facilitates retinol transport across the cell membrane (PubMed:22665496)....
Keywords: Anti-RBP4, Anti-PRO2222, Mouse anti-RBP, clone G4E4 (Monoclonal)
Application: ELISA, IHC, WB
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: chimpanzee, goat, human, monkey, mouse, rabbit, rat, rhesus
268.00€ *
Anti-Lactoferrin, clone 265-1K1 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-Lactoferrin, clone 265-1K1 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7072

Protein function: Transferrins are iron binding transport proteins which can bind two Fe(3+) ions in association with the binding of an anion, usually bicarbonate. [The UniProt Consortium]
Keywords: Anti-LTF, Anti-GIG12, Mouse anti-Lactoferrin, clone 265-1K1 (Monoclonal)
Application: ELISA, IHC, WB
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: human
471.00€ *
Anti-Elastase, clone 265-3K1 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-Elastase, clone 265-3K1 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7073

Protein function: Modifies the functions of natural killer cells, monocytes and granulocytes. Inhibits C5a-dependent neutrophil enzyme release and chemotaxis (PubMed:15140022). Capable of killing E.coli but not S.aureus in vitro, digests outer membrane protein A (ompA) in E.coli and K.pneumoniae (PubMed:10947984)....
Keywords: Anti-HLE, Anti-ELA2, Anti-ELANE, Anti-Medullasin, Anti-Elastase-2, EC=, Anti-PMN elastase, Anti-Neutrophil...
Application: ELISA, WB
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: human
519.00€ *
Anti-PAI-1, clone MA-33H1F7 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-PAI-1, clone MA-33H1F7 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7074

Protein function: Serine protease inhibitor. Inhibits TMPRSS7 (PubMed:15853774). Is a primary inhibitor of tissue-type plasminogen activator (PLAT) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (PLAU). As PLAT inhibitor, it is required for fibrinolysis down-regulation and is responsible for the controlled degradation of...
Keywords: Anti-PAI, Anti-PAI1, Anti-PAI-1, Anti-SERPINE1, Anti-Serpin E1, Anti-Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, Anti-Endothelial...
Application: ELISA, IHC, WB
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: human, mouse, rabbit, rat
471.00€ *
Anti-Galectin-3, clone B2C10 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-Galectin-3, clone B2C10 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7075

MON 7075 reacts with galectin-3, a 30 kDa protein. Galectin-3 is a member of the galectin family. The protein is composed of three domains: a small amino-terminal domain, a carboxyl-terminal carbohydrate recogni tion domain (CRD) and amino-terminal domain containing repeating elements. Galectin-3 is normally...
Keywords: Anti-MAC2, Anti-L-31, Anti-GALBP, Anti-Gal-3, Anti-CBP 35, Anti-Galectin-3, Anti-Lectin L-29, Anti-35 kDa lectin,...
Application: ELISA, FC, IHC, WB
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: human, mouse
519.00€ *
Anti-Rat ASGPR, clone 8D7 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]
Anti-Rat ASGPR, clone 8D7 (Monoclonal) [Mouse]

Item number: MON-MON7076

Protein function: Glutamine synthetase that catalyzes the ATP-dependent conversion of glutamate and ammonia to glutamine (PubMed:30158707, PubMed:16267323). Its role depends on tissue localization: in the brain, it regulates the levels of toxic ammonia and converts neurotoxic glutamate to harmless glutamine, whereas...
Keywords: Anti-GS, Anti-GLNS, Anti-Glutamine synthetase, Anti-Glutamate--ammonia ligase, Anti-Palmitoyltransferase GLUL, Mouse...
Application: ELISA, FC, IHC, WB
Host: Mouse
Species reactivity: rat, human
581.00€ *
27406 from 29612 pages