Produkte von South Bay Bio

South Bay Bio

South Bay Bio ist ein Biotechnologieunternehmen, das sich auf die Herstellung von Hochdurchsatz-Screening-Produkten mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System spezialisiert hat. Das Unternehmen wurde in der San Francisco Bay Area gegründet, um dort ansässige Biotechnologie-Unternehmen zu unterstützen. Der Firmensitz befindet sich in San José, Kalifornien.

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20S Proteasome (human) (untagged)
20S Proteasome (human) (untagged)

Artikelnummer: SBB-PP0005-C050

The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is the major proteolytic system in eukaryotic cells, where it catalyzes the selective degradation of short-lived regulatory proteins or the rapid turnover of misfolded proteins. One of the most important proteases in this pathway is the 26S proteasome, an ATP-dependent proteolytic...
Anwendung: Assays
Exprimiert in: Human cells
Ursprungsart: human
MW: 700 kD
319,00 €
COVID-19 Forschung
PLpro (SARS Coronavirus) (rec.) (His)
PLpro (SARS Coronavirus) (rec.) (His)

Artikelnummer: SBB-DE0024-C050

The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus papain-like protease (SARS-CoV PLpro) is involved in the processing of the viral polyprotein. Proteolytic processing of the coronavirus replicase poly-protein is essential for generating a functional virus replication complex. PLpro possesses both deubiquitinating or...
Schlagworte: Papain-like Proteinase, SARS Coronavirus Main Proteinase, Non-structural Protein 3, PL2-PRO, Nsp3
Anwendung: Assays
Exprimiert in: E.coli
Ursprungsart: sars-cov
MW: 37 kD
319,00 €
Ubiquitin aldehyde (human) (rec.)
Ubiquitin aldehyde (human) (rec.)

Artikelnummer: SBB-PS0031-C050

Ubiquitin is a small (8.5kDa) regulatory protein that has been found in almost all tissues of eukaryotic organisms. The addition of ubiquitin to a substrate protein is called ubiquitination or ubiquitylation. Ubiquitination can affect proteins in many ways: it can signal for their degradation via the proteasome,...
Anwendung: Assays
Exprimiert in: E.coli
Ursprungsart: human
MW: 9 kD
211,00 €
ITCH E3 Ligase TR-FRET Kit
ITCH E3 Ligase TR-FRET Kit

Artikelnummer: SBB-KF0035-KI01

South Bay Bio's ITCH TR-FRET Ubiquitin Kit provides a fast and sensitive method monitoring ubiquitin conjugation onto ITCH in solution, resulting from an enzymatic ubiquitin cascade without the need of running and staining an SDS gel. The kit enables continuous TR-FRET detection of ubiquitin chain formation onto...
Schlagworte: Itch, ITCH, AIP4, NAPP1, EC=, NFE2-associated polypeptide 1, Atrophin-1-interacting protein 4, E3...
Anwendung: Enzyme assays
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
1.433,00 €
Ubiquitin (human) (rec.) (untagged)
Ubiquitin (human) (rec.) (untagged)

Artikelnummer: SBB-UP0013-M010

Ubiquitin is a 76 amino acid post-translational modifier expressed throughout all tissues in eukaryotic organisms. The many roles of ubiquitin modification include proteasomal degradation, signal transduction, inflammatory response and DNA damage repair. Ubiquitin modification occurs through a pyramidal cascade of...
Schlagworte: UBB, Ubiquitin B
Anwendung: Assays
Exprimiert in: E.coli
Ursprungsart: human
MW: 9 kD
165,00 €
Ubiquitin Activating Enzyme E1 [UBE1] (human) (rec.) (untagged)
Ubiquitin Activating Enzyme E1 [UBE1] (human) (rec.)...

Artikelnummer: SBB-CE0011-C050

UBA1, the canonical ubiquitin E1 activating enzyme is a 118kDa protein, which forms a homodimer in its active state and catalyzes the first step of the ubiquitin conjugation cascade. It activates ubiquitin in an ATP-dependent mechanism where ATP is hydrolyzed to AMP and PPi, a ubiquitin C-terminal adenylate...
Schlagworte: Ubiquitin E1 Enzyme, Ubiquitin-like Modifier-activating Enzyme 1, A1S9T, AMCX1, GXP1, POC20, SMAX2
Anwendung: Assays
Exprimiert in: Insect cells
Ursprungsart: human
MW: 118 kD
396,00 €
UbcH5a [UBE2D1] (human) (rec.) (untagged)
UbcH5a [UBE2D1] (human) (rec.) (untagged)

Artikelnummer: SBB-CE0021-C100

UBE2D1 (UbcH5a) is an E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme. An E1 activating enzyme is required to attach ubiquitin to UBE2D1 via an active site cysteine. The mechanism of ubiquitin transfer involves the breaking of a E1-Ub thioester linkage, followed by a reformation of a UBE2D1-Ub thioester. UBE2D1 is capable of...
Schlagworte: Ubiquitin-conjugating Enzyme H5a, PUBC1, UBC5A, Ubiquitin-protein Ligase D1, p53-regulated Ubiquitin-conjugating Enzyme 1
Anwendung: Assays
Exprimiert in: E.coli
Ursprungsart: human
MW: 17 kD
396,00 €
Mdm2 E3 Ligase TR-FRET Kit
Mdm2 E3 Ligase TR-FRET Kit

Artikelnummer: SBB-KF0030-KI01

South Bay Bio's MDM2 TR-FRET Ubiquitin Kit provides a fast and sensitive method monitoring ubiquitin conjugation onto GST-MDM2 in solution, resulting from an enzymatic ubiquitin cascade without the need of running and staining an SDS gel. The kit enables continuous TR-FRET detection of ubiquitin chain formation onto...
Schlagworte: MDM2, Hdm2, EC=, Oncoprotein Mdm2, Double minute 2 protein, p53-binding protein Mdm2, E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase...
Anwendung: Enzyme assays
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
1.433,00 €
Ac-Ala-Asn-Trp-AMC [Ac-ANW-AMC]
Ac-Ala-Asn-Trp-AMC [Ac-ANW-AMC]

Artikelnummer: SBB-PS0009-M002

Lyophilized powder. Soluble in DMSO. Ac-ANW-AMC is a fluorogenic peptide substrate for measuring chymotrypsin-like activity of the immunoproteasome. Hydrolysis of this substrate by the beta5i-subunit of the immunoproteasome is monitored by observing fluorescence at an Excitation wavelength of 345nm and Emission at...
Schlagworte: Proteasome Substrate
Anwendung: Fluorogenic peptide substrate
MW: 588,6 D
234,00 €
SUMO1 (human) (rec.) (Rhodamine 110)
SUMO1 (human) (rec.) (Rhodamine 110)

Artikelnummer: SBB-PS0028-C050

SUMO1 is a ubiquitin-like protein that can be covalently attached to proteins as a monomer or a lysine-linked polymer. Covalent attachment via an isopeptide bond to its substrates requires prior activation by the E1 complex SAE1-SAE2 and linkage to the E2 enzyme UBE2I and can be promoted by E3 ligases such as...
Schlagworte: Small Ubiquitin-related Modifier 1, GAP-modifying Protein 1, SMT3C, SMT3H3, UBL1, Sentrin, Ubiquitin-homology Domain...
Anwendung: Assays
Exprimiert in: E.coli
Ursprungsart: human
MW: 12 kD
497,00 €
Ubiquitin (human) (rec.) (Cy5)
Ubiquitin (human) (rec.) (Cy5)

Artikelnummer: SBB-TR0015-C050

Ubiquitin is a highly conserved protein that plays a major role in the ubiquitination pathway, which is conserved from yeast to mammals. Ubiquitination, the conjugation of ubiquitin to other proteins through a covalent bond between its C-terminal glycine and the epsilon-amino group of lysine residues or the...
Schlagworte: UBB, Ubiquitin B
Anwendung: Assays
Exprimiert in: E.coli
Ursprungsart: human
MW: 9 kD
690,00 €
HA-Ubiquitin-vinyl sulfone (human) (rec.) (HA)
HA-Ubiquitin-vinyl sulfone (human) (rec.) (HA)

Artikelnummer: SBB-PS0122-C050

Protein. Human ubiquitin (aa1-76) (Accession Nr. P0CG47) with a C-terminal vinyl sulfone group and a N-terminal HA-Tag. Source: E. coli. Liquid. In 50mM MES pH 6.0, 100mM sodium chloride. Purity: >97% (LCMS). Ubiquitin is a small (8.5kDa) regulatory protein that has been found in almost all tissues of eukaryotic...
Schlagworte: HA-Ub-VS, HA-Ubiquitin-VS, HA-Ubiquitin-Vinyl sulfone
Exprimiert in: E. coli
Ursprungsart: human
MW: 10 kD
420,00 €
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