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Artikelnummer: Cay50211-50

5(6)-EET is a fully racemic version of the enantiomeric forms biosynthesized from arachidonic acid (Cay-90010) by cytochrome P450 enzymes. In solution, 5(6)-EET degrades into 5,6-DiHET and 5(6)-delta-lactone, which can be converted to 5(6)-DiHET and quantified by GC-MS. In neuroendocrine cells, such as the anterior...
Schlagworte: (±)5,6-EpETrE, (±)5,6-epoxy-8Z,11Z,14Z-eicosatrienoic acid
Anwendung: Bioactive lipid assays
CAS 87173-80-6
MW: 320.5 D
ab 62,00 €