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Dimethylamino Parthenolide
Dimethylamino Parthenolide

Artikelnummer: Cay20436-10

Dimethylamino parthenolide (DMAPT) is an inhibitor of NF-kappaB and a derivative of parthenolide (Cay-70080). It inhibits the binding of the p65 subunit of NF-kappaB to DNA by 75% when used at a concentration of 50 µM. DMAPT (25 µM) decreases intracellular glutathione (GSH) levels in, and inhibits the migration of,...
Schlagworte: DMAPT,...
Anwendung: Apoptosis inducer
CAS 791595-09-0
MW: 293.4 D
ab 175,00 €