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GHK-Cu (acetate)
GHK-Cu (acetate)

Artikelnummer: Cay28259-25

GHK-Cu is a complex of the tripeptide Gly-His-Lys and a copper(II) ion that has wound healing and anti-inflammatory activities. It increases proliferation and the levels of collagen and secreted pro-matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in isolated human fibroblasts when used at a concentration of 1 nM. GHK-Cu (2 mg)...
Schlagworte: Gly-His-Lys-Cu(II), [glycyl-kappaN-L-histidyl-kappaN,kappaN3-L-lysinato(2-)]-copper, monoacetate
Anwendung: Wound healing, antiinflammatory tripeptide copper(II) ion complex
CAS 300801-03-0
MW: 462 D
ab 43,00 €