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Lipid N2-3L
Lipid N2-3L

Artikelnummer: Cay40911-1

Lipid N2-3L is an ionizable cationic lipid (pKa = 8.99) that has been used in the generation of supramolecular lipid nanoparticles (SMLNPs) encapsulating mRNA for use in vitro and in vivo. SMLNPs containing lipid N2-3L and encapsulating a luciferase reporter accumulate at the site of injection and in the draining...
Schlagworte: 9Z-octadecenoic acid,...
Anwendung: Ionizable cationic lipid, SMLNP generation
CAS 2924606-55-1
MW: 840.3 D
ab 103,00 €