Zu "2803699-70-7" wurden 2 Artikel gefunden!

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Artikelnummer: Cay37927-1

306-N16B is an ionizable cationic lipid. It has been used in the generation of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). Intravenous administration of LNPs containing 306-N16B and encapsulating an mRNA reporter accumulate specifically in the mouse lung primarily in lung endothelial cells. LNPs containing both 306-N16B and...
Schlagworte: 3,3',3'',3'''-(((methylazanediyl)bis(propane-3,1-diyl))bis(azanetriyl))tetrakis(N-(2-(dodecyldisulfaneyl)ethyl)propanamide)
Anwendung: Ionizable cationic lipid, LNP formation
CAS 2803699-70-7
MW: 1471.6 D
ab 48,00 €

Artikelnummer: TGM-T74879-2mg

Description: 306-N16B is a lipid nanoparticle designed for the systemic co-delivery of Cas9 mRNA and sgRNA, facilitating the transport of mRNA to pulmonary endothelial cells. This compound is advantageous for research focused on genome editing-based therapies [1]. Target: Others
CAS 2803699-70-7
MW: 1471.57 D
154,00 €