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Artikelnummer: Cay39458-5

11-A-M is an ionizable cationic lipid. Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) containing 11-A-M and encapsulating siRNA for the gene encoding GFP reduce its gene expression selectively in splenic T cells but not hepatocytes in mice that constitutively express GFP.Formal Name: tricyclo[,7]decane-1-acetic acid,...
Schlagworte: tricyclo[,7]decane-1-acetic acid,...
Anwendung: Ionizable cationic lipid, LNP formation
CAS 2408140-60-1
MW: 702 D
ab 209,00 €
LNP Lipid-8
LNP Lipid-8

Artikelnummer: TGM-T84801-10mg

Description: LNP Lipid-8 (11-A-M), an ionizable lipid, is utilized in lipid nanoparticles (LNP) for siRNA delivery to T cells without ligand targeting. When loaded with GFP siRNA (siGFP), it significantly silences the GFP gene in a mouse model [1]. Target: Others. Smiles:...
CAS 2408140-60-1
MW: 702.02 D
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