Zu "1450888-71-7" wurden 2 Artikel gefunden!

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Lipid CL1
Lipid CL1

Artikelnummer: Cay38320-10

Lipid CL1 is an ionizable cationic trialkyl lipid that has been used in the formation of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). LNPs containing lipid CL1 and encapsulating mRNA encoding human erythropoietin (EPO) increase blood EPO protein levels in mice.Formal Name: 5-(dimethylamino)-pentanoic acid,...
Schlagworte: 5-(dimethylamino)-pentanoic acid, (6Z)-1,2-di-(4Z)-4-decen-1-yl-6-dodecen-1-yl ester
Anwendung: Ionizable cationic trialkyl lipid, LNP formation
CAS 1450888-71-7
MW: 588 D
ab 239,00 €
Genevant CL1
Genevant CL1

Artikelnummer: TGM-T75270-10mg

Description: Genevant CL1 is a lipid that can be used for mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP) vaccine delivery [1] . Target: Others
CAS 1450888-71-7
MW: 588 D
ab 438,00 €