Produkte von Bethyl Laboratories


Auf der texanischen Ranch von Bethyl Laboratories Inc. in Montgomery, Texas, werden beste polyklonale Antikörper für die klinische und diagnostische Forschung hergestellt. In Zusammenarbeit mit namhaften Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern identifiziert Bethyl kontinuierlich neue Targets, wodurch ein Antikörperprogramm entsteht, das vergleichbaren Anbietern immer einen Schritt voraus ist. Bethyl Laboratories sind einzigartig in ihrer vollständigen Kontrolle aller Schritte der Antikörperproduktion. Von den veterinären Einrichtungen, über die Entwicklung, Produktion und Validierung in den Laboren konzentriert sich das Team von Bethyl darauf, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte zu liefern. Diese Fokussierung auf Qualität bei jedem einzelnen Schritt und die Integration aller Prozessstufen bedeutet, dass Wissenschaftler*innen sich auf Bethyl-Antikörper verlassen können. Seit 2021 ist Bethyl Laboratories Teil von FORTIS Life Sciences.

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Artikelnummer: A301-824A

Protein function: NF-kappa-B is a pleiotropic transcription factor present in almost all cell types and is the endpoint of a series of signal transduction events that are initiated by a vast array of stimuli related to many biological processes such as inflammation, immunity, differentiation, cell growth,...
Schlagworte: Anti-RELA, Anti-NFKB3, Anti-Transcription factor p65, Anti-Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p65 subunit, Anti-Nuclear factor of...
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC, ChIP-Seq
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, mouse
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-895A

Protein function: Functions as a receptor for membrane-bound ligands Jagged1, Jagged2 and Delta1 to regulate cell-fate determination. Upon ligand activation through the released notch intracellular domain (NICD) it forms a transcriptional activator complex with RBPJ/RBPSUH and activates genes of the enhancer of...
Schlagworte: Anti-TAN1, Anti-NOTCH1
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-905A

Protein function: E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase that regulates ubiquitin- dependent retention of repair proteins on damaged chromosomes. Recruited to sites of DNA damage in response to ionizing radiation (IR) and facilitates the assembly of UBE2N and RNF8 promoting DNA damage-induced formation of 'Lys-63'-linked...
Schlagworte: Anti-E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HERC2, Anti-HECT-type E3 ubiquitin transferase HERC2, Anti-HECT domain and RCC1-like...
Anwendung: WB, IP
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, mouse
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-945A

Protein function: Acts as a key negative regulator of ciliogenesis in collaboration with CCP110 by capping the mother centriole thereby preventing cilia formation. Required for recruitment of CCP110 to the centrosome. [The UniProt Consortium]
Schlagworte: Anti-Cep97, Anti-CEP97, Anti-LRRIQ2, Anti-Centrosomal protein of 97 kDa, Anti-Leucine-rich repeat and IQ domain-containing...
Anwendung: WB, IP
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A302-002A

Protein function: RNA-binding component of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF-3) complex, which is required for several steps in the initiation of protein synthesis (PubMed:17581632, PubMed:25849773). The eIF-3 complex associates with the 40S ribosome and facilitates the recruitment of eIF-1,...
Schlagworte: Anti-eIF3a, Anti-eIF3 p185, Anti-eIF3 p167, Anti-eIF3 p180, Anti-eIF-3-theta, Anti-Eukaryotic translation initiation...
Anwendung: WB, IP
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, mouse
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A302-026A-T

Protein function: GTPase activator for RAN (PubMed:8146159, PubMed:8896452, PubMed:16428860). Converts cytoplasmic GTP-bound RAN to GDP-bound RAN, which is essential for RAN-mediated nuclear import and export (PubMed:8896452, PubMed:27160050). Mediates dissociation of cargo from nuclear export complexes containing...
Schlagworte: Anti-RANGAP1, Anti-RanGAP1, Anti-KIAA1835, Anti-Ran GTPase-activating protein 1
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A302-034A

Ras-GAP SH3 domain binding protein (G3BP1) contains an RNA recognition motif (RRM) and an N-terminal nuclear transport factor 2-like (NTF2-like) domain. It was first identified in a screen for proteins that bind the SH3 domain of the Ras GTPase activating protein (RasGAP). It has been shown to function downstream of...
Schlagworte: Anti-cDNA FLJ26493 fis, clone KDN06317, highly similar to Ras-GTPase-activating protein binding protein 1
Anwendung: WB, IP
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A302-134A

Protein function: Transcription activator that binds DNA cooperatively with DP proteins through the E2 recognition site, 5'-TTTC[CG]CGC- 3' found in the promoter region of a number of genes whose products are involved in cell cycle regulation or in DNA replication. The DRTF1/E2F complex functions in the control of...
Schlagworte: Anti-E2F4, Anti-E2F-4, Anti-Transcription factor E2F4
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A302-243A

Protein function: Deubiquitinating enzyme that plays a key role in chromatin by mediating deubiquitination of histone H2A and HCFC1. Catalytic component of the PR-DUB complex, a complex that specifically mediates deubiquitination of histone H2A monoubiquitinated at 'Lys-119' (H2AK119ub1). Does not deubiquitinate...
Schlagworte: Anti-BAP1, Anti-hucep-6, Anti-KIAA0272, EC=, Anti-Cerebral protein 6, Anti-BRCA1-associated protein 1,...
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A302-377A

Protein function: Probably recognizes and binds to some phosphorylated proteins and promotes their ubiquitination and degradation. [The UniProt Consortium]
Schlagworte: Anti-FBXO28, Anti-F-box only protein 28
Anwendung: WB, IP
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €
Anti-Tankyrase 1
Anti-Tankyrase 1

Artikelnummer: A302-399A-T

Protein function: Poly-ADP-ribosyltransferase involved in various processes such as Wnt signaling pathway, telomere length and vesicle trafficking. Acts as an activator of the Wnt signaling pathway by mediating poly-ADP-ribosylation (PARsylation) of AXIN1 and AXIN2, 2 key components of the beta-catenin destruction...
Schlagworte: Anti-TNKS, Anti-ARTD5, Anti-TANK1, Anti-TNKS-1, Anti-PARP5A, EC=, Anti-Tankyrase-1, Anti-Tankyrase I, Anti-Poly...
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A302-403A

Protein function: Involved in diverse cellular processes such as ribosome biogenesis, centrosome duplication, protein chaperoning, histone assembly, cell proliferation, and regulation of tumor suppressors p53/TP53 and ARF. Binds ribosome presumably to drive ribosome nuclear export. Associated with nucleolar...
Schlagworte: Anti-NPM, Anti-NPM1, Anti-Numatrin, Anti-Nucleophosmin, Anti-Nucleolar protein NO38, Anti-Nucleolar phosphoprotein B23
Anwendung: WB, IP
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €
61 von 690 Seiten