Produkte von Bethyl Laboratories


Auf der texanischen Ranch von Bethyl Laboratories Inc. in Montgomery, Texas, werden beste polyklonale Antikörper für die klinische und diagnostische Forschung hergestellt. In Zusammenarbeit mit namhaften Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern identifiziert Bethyl kontinuierlich neue Targets, wodurch ein Antikörperprogramm entsteht, das vergleichbaren Anbietern immer einen Schritt voraus ist. Bethyl Laboratories sind einzigartig in ihrer vollständigen Kontrolle aller Schritte der Antikörperproduktion. Von den veterinären Einrichtungen, über die Entwicklung, Produktion und Validierung in den Laboren konzentriert sich das Team von Bethyl darauf, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte zu liefern. Diese Fokussierung auf Qualität bei jedem einzelnen Schritt und die Integration aller Prozessstufen bedeutet, dass Wissenschaftler*innen sich auf Bethyl-Antikörper verlassen können. Seit 2021 ist Bethyl Laboratories Teil von FORTIS Life Sciences.

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Artikelnummer: A301-527A

Zinc finger protein homolog 106 (ZFP106) is a C2H2-type zinc finger protein that also contains 2 WD repeats. ZFP106 is highly expressed in striated muscle, brown fat, and developing brain and is regulated by myogenin and nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1). ZFP106 localizes to the nucleus in association with...
Schlagworte: Anti-SH3BP3, Anti-ZNF106, Anti-Zfp-106, Anti-Zinc finger protein 106, Anti-Zinc finger protein 474
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-542A

Protein function: Cleaves linear and branched multiubiquitin polymers with a marked preference for branched polymers. Involved in unanchored 'Lys-48'-linked polyubiquitin disassembly. Binds linear and 'Lys- 63'-linked polyubiquitin with a lower affinity. Knock-down of USP5 causes the accumulation of p53/TP53 and an...
Schlagworte: Anti-ISOT, Anti-USP5, EC=, Anti-Isopeptidase T, Anti-Ubiquitin thioesterase 5, Anti-Deubiquitinating enzyme 5,...
Anwendung: WB, IP
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, mouse
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-548A

Protein function: Early regulator of adipogenesis that works as a transcription cofactor of CEBPs, controlling the expression of PPARG and probably of other proadipogenic genes, such as SREBF1. Binds to cytidine clusters in double-stranded DNA (PubMed:8647861). May also regulate alternative splicing of target genes...
Schlagworte: Anti-NP220, Anti-ZNF638, Anti-Nuclear protein 220, Anti-Zinc finger protein 638, Anti-CTCL-associated antigen se33-1,...
Anwendung: WB, IP
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, mouse
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-580A

Protein function: Component of the cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF) complex that plays a key role in pre- mRNA 3'-end formation, recognizing the AAUAAA signal sequence and interacting with poly(A) polymerase and other factors to bring about cleavage and poly(A) addition. This subunit is...
Schlagworte: Anti-CPSF1, Anti-CPSF160, Anti-CPSF 160 kDa subunit, Anti-Cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor subunit 1,...
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, mouse
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-601A

Protein function: Subunit of the splicing factor SF3A required for 'A' complex assembly formed by the stable binding of U2 snRNP to the branchpoint sequence (BPS) in pre-mRNA. Sequence independent binding of SF3A/SF3B complex upstream of the branch site is essential, it may anchor U2 snRNP to the pre-mRNA. May also...
Schlagworte: Anti-SF3A1, Anti-SAP114, Anti-SF3a120, Anti-SAP 114, Anti-Splicing factor 3A subunit 1, Anti-Spliceosome-associated...
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, mouse
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-642A

Protein function: Histone methyltransferase that specifically mono- and dimethylates 'Lys-9' of histone H3 (H3K9me1 and H3K9me2, respectively) in euchromatin. H3K9me represents a specific tag for epigenetic transcriptional repression by recruiting HP1 proteins to methylated histones. Also weakly methylates 'Lys-27'...
Schlagworte: Anti-GLP, Anti-GLP1, Anti-EHMT1, Anti-EUHMTASE1, EC=2.1.1.-, Anti-Eu-HMTase1, EC=, Anti-H3-K9-HMTase 5,...
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €
Anti-14-3-3 Sigma
Anti-14-3-3 Sigma

Artikelnummer: A301-648A-T

Protein function: Adapter protein implicated in the regulation of a large spectrum of both general and specialized signaling pathways. Binds to a large number of partners, usually by recognition of a phosphoserine or phosphothreonine motif. Binding generally results in the modulation of the activity of the binding...
Schlagworte: Anti-SFN, Anti-HME1, Anti-Stratifin, Anti-14-3-3 protein sigma, Anti-Epithelial cell marker protein 1
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-659A

Protein function: Involved in early and late steps in cilia formation. Its association with CCP110 is required for inhibition of primary cilia formation by CCP110 (PubMed:18694559). May play a role in early ciliogenesis in the disappearance of centriolar satellites and in the transition of primary ciliar vesicles...
Schlagworte: Anti-CT87, Anti-BBS14, Anti-CEP290, Anti-Cep290, Anti-Nephrocystin-6, Anti-Tumor antigen se2-2, Anti-Cancer/testis antigen...
Anwendung: WB, IP, ICC-IF
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-744A

Protein function: Plays a role in translation initiation. Translational GTPase that catalyzes the joining of the 40S and 60S subunits to form the 80S initiation complex with the initiator methionine-tRNA in the P-site base paired to the start codon. GTP binding and hydrolysis induces conformational changes in the...
Schlagworte: Anti-IF2, Anti-EIF5B, Anti-eIF-5B, EC=, Anti-Translation initiation factor IF-2, Anti-Eukaryotic translation...
Anwendung: WB, IP
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-749A

Protein function: Histone methyltransferase specifically methylating 'Lys- 36' of histone H3 (H3K36me). [The UniProt Consortium]
Schlagworte: Anti-ASH1L, Anti-huASH1, Anti-KIAA1420, EC=, Anti-ASH1-like protein, Anti-Lysine N-methyltransferase 2H,...
Anwendung: WB, IP, IHC
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, mouse
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-778A

Protein function: Probably plays a structural role in chromatin. Involved in sister chromatid cohesion, possibly by interacting with the cohesin complex. [The UniProt Consortium]
Schlagworte: Anti-IDN3, Anti-NIPBL, Anti-Delangin, Anti-SCC2 homolog, Anti-Nipped-B-like protein
Anwendung: WB, IP
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €

Artikelnummer: A301-795A

Protein function: Nucleoporin essential for nuclear pore assembly and fusion, nuclear pore spacing, as well as structural integrity. [The UniProt Consortium]
Schlagworte: Anti-POM210, Anti-NUP210, Anti-PSEC0245, Anti-KIAA0906, Anti-Nucleoporin Nup210, Anti-Nuclear pore protein gp210,...
Anwendung: WB, IP
Wirt: Rabbit
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 164,00 €
60 von 690 Seiten