Produkte von AAT Bioquest

AAT Bioquest

AAT Bioquest, Inc. (vormals ABD Bioquest) aus Pleasanton, Kalifornien entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet bioanalytische Reagenzien und Kits für Wissenschaftler*innen in den Bereichen Biochemie, Immunologie, Zellbiologie und Molekularbiologie. Das Unternehmen hat sich auf die photometrische Detektion von Molekülen durch Absorptions-, Fluoreszenz- und Lumineszenz-Technologien spezialisiert. AAT bietet eine breite Palette von Sonden und Assay-Kits für den Calciumnachweis an. Darüber hinaus umfasst der Produktkatalog u.a. Fluoreszenz- und Lumineszenz-Sonden zur Detektion von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren und lebenden Zellen sowie Reagenzien zur Signaltransduktionsforschung. Überall, wo in Zell-, Neuro- und Molekularbiologie oder Wirkstoffforschung Fluoreszenz und Lumineszenz genutzt werden, können Sie Produkte von AAT einsetzen. Erfahren Sie mehr über AAT in dem Präsentationsvideo des Unternehmens.

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29 von 1923 Seiten
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Amplite(TM) Fluorimetric Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit *Near Infrared Fluorescence*
Amplite(TM) Fluorimetric Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit...

Artikelnummer: ABD-11502

This kit uses our Amplite Red peroxidase substrate to quantify hydrogen peroxide in solutions, in cell extracts and in live cells. Optimized mix and read assay that is compatible with HTS liquid handling instruments.
Schlagworte: H2O2
Anwendung: Hydrogen peroxide quantification, HTS
348,00 €
Resorufin ethyl ether
Resorufin ethyl ether

Artikelnummer: ABD-15023

This fluorogenic resorufin ether is widely used for monitoring P450 activities in cell extracts and solutions.
Anwendung: P450 assays
CAS 5725-91-7
108,00 €
Cyber Golden(TM) Nucleic Acid Gel Stain *10,000X DMSO Solution*
Cyber Golden(TM) Nucleic Acid Gel Stain *10,000X DMSO...

Artikelnummer: ABD-17595

Ex: 495 nm. Em: 540 nm. Cyber Orange(TM) is an excellent nucleic acid gel stain, and exhibits large fluorescence enhancement upon binding to nucleic acids. It has the same spectral properties to those of SYBR(R) Gold, thus a great replacement to SYBR(R) Gold (SYBR(R) Gold is the trademark of Invitrogen). It is one...
Anwendung: Biochemical assays, nucleic acid detection, DNA detection
418,00 €
Rhod-2, AM
Rhod-2, AM

Artikelnummer: ABD-21060

The long-wavelength Rhod-2 Ca2+ indicators are valuable alternatives to Fluo-3 for experiments in cells and tissues that have high levels of autofluorescence. Rhod-2 AM is cell-permeable version of Rhod-2.
Anwendung: Calcium indicator
CAS 145037-81-6
249,00 €
Phalloidin-iFluor(TM) 594 Conjugate
Phalloidin-iFluor(TM) 594 Conjugate

Artikelnummer: ABD-23122

This red fluorescent phalloidin conjugate (equivalent to Alexa Fluor(R) 594-labeled phalloidin) selectively binds to F-actins. Used at nanomolar concentrations, phalloidin derivatives are convenient probes for labeling, identifying and quantitating F-actins in formaldehyde-fixed and permeabilized tissue sections,...
Anwendung: Labeling
MW: 1,60 kD
208,00 €
Hoechst 33342 *UltraPure grade*
Hoechst 33342 *UltraPure grade*

Artikelnummer: ABD-17530

Ex (nm): 350. Em (nm): 461. The Hoechst stains are a family of fluorescent stains for labeling DNA in fluorescence microscopy.
Anwendung: Nucleic acid staining
CAS 23491-52-3
ab 139,00 €
DiR iodide (1,1-dioctadecyl-3,3,3,3-tetramethylindotricarbocyanine iodide)
DiR iodide...

Artikelnummer: ABD-22070

Lipophilic fluorescent stain. DiO (green fluorescence), DiD (red fluorescence) and DiR (deep red fluorescent) provide a convenient tool for multicolor imaging and flow cytometric analysis of live cells.
Anwendung: Lipophilic fluorescent stain
108,00 €
APTS (8-Aminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid, trisodium salt)
APTS (8-Aminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid, trisodium salt)

Artikelnummer: ABD-624

This water-soluble reagent has strong green fluorescence with great Stokes shift. It is widely used for detecting carbohydrates and labeling glycoproteins in electrophoresis.
Anwendung: Carbohydrate detection
CAS 196504-57-1
108,00 €
Luciferase *Recombinant firefly*
Luciferase *Recombinant firefly*

Artikelnummer: ABD-12500

This enzyme is a luciferase expressed from a cloned gene from the North American firefly (Photinus pyralis).
Anwendung: Bioluminiscence assays
139,00 €
ROS Brite(TM) 670
ROS Brite(TM) 670

Artikelnummer: ABD-16002

Ex: 639 nm. Em: 660 nm. Soluble in: DMSO. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are chemically reactive molecules containing oxygen. Examples include superoxide, hydroxyl radical, singlet oxygen and peroxides. ROS is highly reactive due to the presence of unpaired valence shell electrons. ROS forms as a natural byproduct of...
Anwendung: IF, FC
MW: 758,85 D
279,00 €

Artikelnummer: ABD-21497

Di-8-ANEPPS is widely used for monitoring fast membrane potential changes. ANEP dyes belong to the class of the fast-response membrane potential dyes. small, fast-response probes typically show a 2-10% fluorescence change per 100 mV.
Anwendung: Membrane potential studies
CAS 157134-53-7
279,00 €
Hoechst 33342 *20 mM solution in water*
Hoechst 33342 *20 mM solution in water*

Artikelnummer: ABD-17535

Ex (nm): 350. Em (nm): 461. The Hoechst stains are a family of fluorescent stains for labeling DNA in fluorescence microscopy.
Anwendung: Nucleic acid staining
139,00 €
29 von 1923 Seiten