Produkte von AAT Bioquest

AAT Bioquest

AAT Bioquest, Inc. (vormals ABD Bioquest) aus Pleasanton, Kalifornien entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet bioanalytische Reagenzien und Kits für Wissenschaftler*innen in den Bereichen Biochemie, Immunologie, Zellbiologie und Molekularbiologie. Das Unternehmen hat sich auf die photometrische Detektion von Molekülen durch Absorptions-, Fluoreszenz- und Lumineszenz-Technologien spezialisiert. AAT bietet eine breite Palette von Sonden und Assay-Kits für den Calciumnachweis an. Darüber hinaus umfasst der Produktkatalog u.a. Fluoreszenz- und Lumineszenz-Sonden zur Detektion von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren und lebenden Zellen sowie Reagenzien zur Signaltransduktionsforschung. Überall, wo in Zell-, Neuro- und Molekularbiologie oder Wirkstoffforschung Fluoreszenz und Lumineszenz genutzt werden, können Sie Produkte von AAT einsetzen. Erfahren Sie mehr über AAT in dem Präsentationsvideo des Unternehmens.

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Fluo-3, pentapotassium salt
Fluo-3, pentapotassium salt

Artikelnummer: ABD-21017

Fluo-3 is essentially nonfluorescent unless bound to Ca2+ and exhibits a quantum yield at saturating Ca2+ of 0.14 and a Kd for Ca2+ of 390 nM.
Anwendung: Calcium indicator
208,00 €
Quest Fluo-8H(TM), sodium salt
Quest Fluo-8H(TM), sodium salt

Artikelnummer: ABD-21095

Fluorescent probe that show spectral responses upon binding Ca2+. Superior compared to Fluo-3 AM and Fluo-4 AM. (Quest Fluo-8: Kd = 389 nM, Quest Fluo-8H: Kd = 232 nM, Quest Fluo-8L: Kd = 1.86 µM).
Anwendung: Calcium indicator
279,00 €
Cell Navigator(TM) Live Cell RNA Imaging Kit *Green Fluorescence*
Cell Navigator(TM) Live Cell RNA Imaging Kit *Green...

Artikelnummer: ABD-22630

This kit can stain RNA in both living cells and fixed cells. Ex: 503 nm. Em: 511 nm.
Schlagworte: StrandBrite(TM) RNA Green
Anwendung: Fluorescence microscopy
Spezies-Reaktivität: broad
418,00 €
Thioflavin S *UltraPure grade*
Thioflavin S *UltraPure grade*

Artikelnummer: ABD-23059

Thioflavin S is a mixture of compounds that results from the methylation of dehydrothiotoluidine with sulphonic acid. It is also used to stain Alzheimer's plaques as ThT.
Anwendung: Alzheimer's plaques staining
CAS 1326-12-1
108,00 €

Artikelnummer: ABD-5045

A building block for in-sequence Lys labeling by TAMRA.
Anwendung: Building block
418,00 €
Phalloidin Amine
Phalloidin Amine

Artikelnummer: ABD-5302

Phalloidin, a bicyclic heptapeptide toxin, binds specifically at the interface between F-actin subunits, locking adjacent subunits together. Phalloidin binds to actin filaments much more tightly than to actin monomers, leading to a decrease in the rate constant for the dissociation of actin subunits from filament...
Anwendung: Actin filament stabilizer, ATP hydrolysis activity inhibitor
CAS 87876-22-0
MW: 901,91 D
279,00 €
Amplite(TM) Fluorimetric NAD/NADH Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence*
Amplite(TM) Fluorimetric NAD/NADH Assay Kit *Red...

Artikelnummer: ABD-15257

This Amplite NAD/NADH Assay Kit provides a convenient method for sensitive detection of NAD, NADH and their ratio. The assay has demonstrated high sensitivity and low interference with 570 nm excitation 590 nm emission.
Anwendung: NAD/NADH quantification
418,00 €
Calcein Red(TM) AM
Calcein Red(TM) AM

Artikelnummer: ABD-21900

Ex: 560 nm. Em: 574 nm. Soluble in: DMSO. Calcein AM is one of the most popular fluorescent probes used for labeling and monitoring cellular functions of live cells. However, the single color of Calcein AM makes it impossible to use this valuable reagent in the multicolor applications. For example, it is impossible...
Anwendung: Cell-based assay, Cell biology, Cell labeling
MW: 1015,79 D
279,00 €
DiD Perchlorate *UltraPure Grade*
DiD Perchlorate *UltraPure Grade*

Artikelnummer: ABD-22034

DiI, DiO, DiD and DiR dyes are a family of lipophilic fluorescent stains for labeling membranes and other hydrophobic structures. The fluorescence of these environment-sensitive dyes is greatly enhanced when incorporated into membranes or bound to lipophilic biomolecules such as proteins although they are weakly...
Anwendung: Labeling
CAS 127274-91-3
MW: 959,91 D
108,00 €
AMC (7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin) *Validated for labeling peptides*
AMC (7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin) *Validated for labeling...

Artikelnummer: ABD-51

This compound is the precursor for a variety of AMC enzyme substrates. It is also used as a calibration standard for AMC-based enzyme substrates. Fluorogenic AMC substrates are widely used for measuring a variety of protease activities.
Anwendung: Labeling
ab 108,00 €
Amplite(TM) Colorimetric Ammonia Quantitation Kit *Blue Color*
Amplite(TM) Colorimetric Ammonia Quantitation Kit *Blue...

Artikelnummer: ABD-10059

Ex: 650 nm. Ammonia is an important source of nitrogen for living systems. It is synthesized through amino acid metabolism and is toxic when present at high concentrations. It is produced in liver and converted to urea through the urea cycle. Elevated levels of ammonia in the blood (hyperammonemia) have been found...
Anwendung: Biochemical assay, ammonia detection
279,00 €
iFluor(TM) 350 maleimide
iFluor(TM) 350 maleimide

Artikelnummer: ABD-1060

AAT Bioquest's iFluor(TM) dyes are optimized for labeling proteins, in particular, antibodies. These dyes are bright, photostable and have minimal quenching on proteins. They can be well excited by the major laser lines of fluorescence instruments (e.g., 350, 405, 488, 555 and 633 nm). iFluor(TM) 350 dyes have...
Anwendung: Labeling
279,00 €
28 von 1923 Seiten