Produkte von AAT Bioquest

AAT Bioquest

AAT Bioquest, Inc. (vormals ABD Bioquest) aus Pleasanton, Kalifornien entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet bioanalytische Reagenzien und Kits für Wissenschaftler*innen in den Bereichen Biochemie, Immunologie, Zellbiologie und Molekularbiologie. Das Unternehmen hat sich auf die photometrische Detektion von Molekülen durch Absorptions-, Fluoreszenz- und Lumineszenz-Technologien spezialisiert. AAT bietet eine breite Palette von Sonden und Assay-Kits für den Calciumnachweis an. Darüber hinaus umfasst der Produktkatalog u.a. Fluoreszenz- und Lumineszenz-Sonden zur Detektion von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren und lebenden Zellen sowie Reagenzien zur Signaltransduktionsforschung. Überall, wo in Zell-, Neuro- und Molekularbiologie oder Wirkstoffforschung Fluoreszenz und Lumineszenz genutzt werden, können Sie Produkte von AAT einsetzen. Erfahren Sie mehr über AAT in dem Präsentationsvideo des Unternehmens.

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27 von 1923 Seiten
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FastClick(TM) Digoxigenin (DIG) Alkyne
FastClick(TM) Digoxigenin (DIG) Alkyne

Artikelnummer: ABD-72900

FastClick(TM) Digoxigenin (DIG) Alkyne contains both the CAG moiety of FastClick (for assisting click efficiency) and DIG hapten (as the detection tag) for developing DIG-based probes. It readily reacts with an azido-containing biomolecule under extremely mild conditions. DIG is a commonly used hapten in biological...
Anwendung: Click chemistry, label
MW: 870.15 D
238,00 €
FastClick(TM) Biotin Alkyne
FastClick(TM) Biotin Alkyne

Artikelnummer: ABD-72901

FastClick(TM) Biotin Alkyne contains both the CAG moiety of FastClick (for assisting click efficiency) and biotin (as the detection tag) for developing biotin-based probes. It readily reacts with an azido-containing biomolecule under extremely mild conditions. Biotin is one of the most commonly used tags that finds...
Anwendung: Click chemistry, label
MW: 552.74 D
238,00 €
Cy3.5 tetrazine
Cy3.5 tetrazine

Artikelnummer: ABD-903

Correction Factor (260 nm): 0.08. Correction Factor (280 nm): 0.178. Extinction coefficient (cm^-1 M^-1): 150000. Excitation (nm): 579. Emission (nm): 591. Quantum yield: 0.15 Cy3.5 tetrazine is an excellent building block that can be readily used to label TCO-modified biological molecules for fluorescence imaging...
Anwendung: Building block
MW: 1377.8 D
279,00 €
Cy5.5 tetrazine
Cy5.5 tetrazine

Artikelnummer: ABD-904

Correction Factor (260 nm): 0.05. Correction Factor (280 nm): 0.101. Correction Factor (482 nm): 0.0017. Correction Factor (565 nm): 0.047. Correction Factor (650 nm): 0.454. Extinction coefficient (cm^-1 M^-1): 250000. Excitation (nm): 683. Emission (nm): 703. Quantum yield: 0.27. Cy5.5 tetrazine is an excellent...
Anwendung: Building block
MW: 1403.84 D
279,00 €
Cy7 tetrazine
Cy7 tetrazine

Artikelnummer: ABD-905

Correction Factor (260 nm): 0.05. Correction Factor (280 nm): 0.036. Correction Factor (482 nm): 0.0005. Correction Factor (565 nm): 0.0193. Correction Factor (650 nm): 0.165. Extinction coefficient (cm^-1 M^-1): 250000. Excitation (nm): 756. Emission (nm): 779. Quantum yield: 0.3. Cy7 tetrazine is an excellent...
Anwendung: Building block
MW: 1162.54 D
279,00 €

Artikelnummer: ABD-13410

A fluorogenic caspase-8/granzyme B substrate containing the acetyl (Ac) moiety.
Anwendung: Caspase-8 substrate
CAS 211990-57-7
279,00 €
Rhod-5N, tripotassium salt
Rhod-5N, tripotassium salt

Artikelnummer: ABD-21072

Rhod-5N is essentially nonfluorescent in the absence of divalent cations and exhibits strong fluorescence enhancement with no spectral shift upon binding Ca2+.
Anwendung: Low affinity fluorescent calcium probe, Calcium indicator
348,00 €
DAPI [4,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole, dihydrochloride] *10 mM solution in water*
DAPI [4,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole, dihydrochloride] *10...

Artikelnummer: ABD-17507

DAPI is a fluorescent stain that binds strongly to DNA. It is used extensively in fluorescence microscopy. Since DAPI passes through an intact cell membrane, it can be used to stain live cells besides fixed cells. For fluorescence microscopy, DAPI is excited with ultraviolet light. When bound to double-stranded DNA...
Anwendung: Fluorescent DNA stain
108,00 €
Screen Quest(TM) Fluo-8 Medium Removal Calcium Assay Kit *Optimized for Difficult Cell Lines*
Screen Quest(TM) Fluo-8 Medium Removal Calcium Assay Kit...

Artikelnummer: ABD-36308

This kit provides a homogeneous fluorescence-based assay for detecting the intracellular calcium mobilization. Once inside the cell, Fluo-8 NW is cleaved by non-specific cell esterase, resulting in a negatively charged fluorescent dye.
Anwendung: Calcium assays
ab 139,00 €
Screen Quest(TM) Colorimetric Chloride Channel Assay Kit
Screen Quest(TM) Colorimetric Chloride Channel Assay Kit

Artikelnummer: ABD-36350

Chloride channels have a variety of important physiological and cellular functions that include regulation of pH, volume homeostasis, organic solute transport, cell migration, cell proliferation and differentiation. Chloride channels represent valuable drug targets. A number of chronic disease states such as cystic...
Anwendung: Chloride channel assays
ab 1.056,00 €
Screen Quest(TM) Colorimetric ELISA cAMP Assay Kit
Screen Quest(TM) Colorimetric ELISA cAMP Assay Kit

Artikelnummer: ABD-36370

Adenosine 3', 5' cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) is an important second messenger in intracellular signal transduction. Monitoring levels of cAMP is one of the most common ways to screen for agonists and antagonists of GPCRs. Screen Quest(TM) cAMP Colorimetric ELISA Assay Kit is based on the competition between...
Schlagworte: cyclic AMP
Anwendung: cAMP ELISA
ab 418,00 €
5(6)-TAMRA, SE (5-(and-6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, succinimidyl ester) *Validated for labeling p
5(6)-TAMRA, SE (5-(and-6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine,...

Artikelnummer: ABD-370

The succinimidyl esters of 5-TAMRA, 6-TAMRA or the mixed isomers are the primary labeling reagents especially for fluorescent antibodies and avidin derivatives used in immunochemistry.
Anwendung: Labeling
CAS 246256-50-8
ab 139,00 €
27 von 1923 Seiten