Produkte von AAT Bioquest

AAT Bioquest

AAT Bioquest, Inc. (vormals ABD Bioquest) aus Pleasanton, Kalifornien entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet bioanalytische Reagenzien und Kits für Wissenschaftler*innen in den Bereichen Biochemie, Immunologie, Zellbiologie und Molekularbiologie. Das Unternehmen hat sich auf die photometrische Detektion von Molekülen durch Absorptions-, Fluoreszenz- und Lumineszenz-Technologien spezialisiert. AAT bietet eine breite Palette von Sonden und Assay-Kits für den Calciumnachweis an. Darüber hinaus umfasst der Produktkatalog u.a. Fluoreszenz- und Lumineszenz-Sonden zur Detektion von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren und lebenden Zellen sowie Reagenzien zur Signaltransduktionsforschung. Überall, wo in Zell-, Neuro- und Molekularbiologie oder Wirkstoffforschung Fluoreszenz und Lumineszenz genutzt werden, können Sie Produkte von AAT einsetzen. Erfahren Sie mehr über AAT in dem Präsentationsvideo des Unternehmens.

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25 von 1923 Seiten
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10XHis maleimide
10XHis maleimide

Artikelnummer: ABD-12641

10XHis maleimide is an excellent building block to make 10XHis conjugates for developing His tag detection probes and purification tools. It readily reacts with a biomolecule that contains a thiol group such as antibodies, peptides and thiol-modified oligos. The 10XHis tag is one of the most common His tags and has...
Anwendung: 10XHis-Tag-conjugation, thiol-reactive building block
MW: 1709.78 D
493,00 €
10XHis azide
10XHis azide

Artikelnummer: ABD-12642

10XHis azide is an excellent building block to make 10XHis conjugates for developing His tag detection probes and purification tools. It readily reacts with a biomolecule that contains an alkyne group, such as alkyne-modified antibodies, peptides and oligos. We found that it can be readily conjugated to a...
Anwendung: 10XHis-Tag-conjugation, alkynyl-reactive building block
MW: 1641.71 D
493,00 €
10XHis alkyne
10XHis alkyne

Artikelnummer: ABD-12643

10XHis alkyne is an excellent building block to make 10XHis conjugates for developing His tag detection probes and purification tools. It can be readily conjugated to a biomolecule that contains an azido group, such as azide-modified antibodies, peptides and oligos. The 10XHis tag is one of the most common His tags...
Anwendung: 10XHis-Tag-conjugation, azide-reactive building block
MW: 1668.78 D
493,00 €
HIS Lite(TM) Cy5 Tris NTA Chelator
HIS Lite(TM) Cy5 Tris NTA Chelator

Artikelnummer: ABD-12659

Correction Factor (260 nm): 0.02. Correction Factor (280 nm): 0.03. Correction Factor (482 nm): 0.009. Correction Factor (565 nm): 0.09. Extinction coefficient (cm^-1 M^-1): 250000 (ethanol). Excitation (nm): 651. Emission (nm): 670. Quantum yield: 0.27 (PBS), 0.4(). Cy5-Tris NTA compound is a sensitive fluorescent...
Anwendung: Sensitive fluorescent chelator, His-tag detection
MW: 1801.87 D
556,00 €
TF2-HQKLVFFAK-TQ2 [TF2-His-Gln-Lys-Leu-Val-Phe-Phe-Ala-Lys-TQ2]

Artikelnummer: ABD-13206

Extinction coefficient (cm^-1 M^-1): 80000. Excitation (nm): 500. Emission (nm): 522, TF2-HQKLVFFAK-TQ2 [TF2-His-Gln-Lys-Leu-Val-Phe-Phe-Ala-Lys-TQ2] has much stronger fluoresce upon protease cleavage than the commonly used FRET peptide MCA-HQKLVFFA (K-DNP), a secretase FRET peptide substrate. In addition, the...
Anwendung: Fluorogenic alpha-secretase substrate
868,00 €

Artikelnummer: ABD-13444

Excitation (nm): 341. Emission (nm): 441. Ac-Leu-AMC is a fluorogenic substrate for leucine aminopeptidase. Upon the hydrolysis by proteases, Leu-AMC releases the strongly fluorescent AMC fluorophore that can be readily detected with Ex/Em = 350/430 nm. Leucine aminopeptidase is an extracellular enzyme found...
Anwendung: Fluorogenic leucine aminopeptidase substrate
MW: 330.38 D
139,00 €
DEAC-dUTP *1 mM in Tris Buffer (pH 7.5)*
DEAC-dUTP *1 mM in Tris Buffer (pH 7.5)*

Artikelnummer: ABD-17034

Correction Factor (260 nm): 0.14. Correction Factor (280 nm): 0.12. Excitation (nm): 411. Emission (nm): 472. The dye-modified deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphates (such as aminoallyl-dUTP) can be used to produce dye-containing DNA by conventional enzymatic incorporation methods such as reverse transcription, nick...
Anwendung: Enzymatic fluorescence DNA labeling, FISH, Microarrays
MW: 945.58 D
481,00 €
iFluor(R)488-dUTP *1 mM in Tris Buffer (pH 7.5)*
iFluor(R)488-dUTP *1 mM in Tris Buffer (pH 7.5)*

Artikelnummer: ABD-17044

Correction Factor (260 nm): 0.21. Correction Factor (280 nm): 0.11. Extinction coefficient (cm^-1 M^-1): 75000 (aqueous buffer (pH 7.2)). Excitation (nm): 491. Emission (nm): 516. Quantum yield: 0.9 (aqueous buffer (pH 7.2). The dye-modified deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphates are one of the most common methods to produce...
Anwendung: Fluorescent DNA labeling, reverse transcription, nick translation, random primed labeling, PCR
MW: 1152.83 D
393,00 €

Artikelnummer: ABD-17220

3'-O-Azidomethyl-dATP is one of the four essential dNTPs (A, C, G, T) that can be used for the DNA sequencing by synthesis (SBS). DNA sequencing is a fundamental tool in biological and medical research (especially for personalized medicine). Various DNA sequencing methods have been developed. Currently, the dominant...
Anwendung: DNA sequencing
CAS 1927-31-7
MW: 546.22 D
ab 605,00 €

Artikelnummer: ABD-17222

3'-O-Azidomethyl-dCTP is one of the four essential dNTPs (A, C, G, T) that can be used for the DNA sequencing by synthesis (SBS). DNA sequencing is a fundamental tool in biological and medical research (especially for personalized medicine). Various DNA sequencing methods have been developed. Currently, the dominant...
Anwendung: DNA sequencing
CAS 1048021-94-8
MW: 522.2 D
ab 605,00 €

Artikelnummer: ABD-17224

3'-O-Azidomethyl-dGTP is one of the four essential dNTPs (A, C, G, T) that can be used for the DNA sequencing by synthesis (SBS). DNA sequencing is a fundamental tool in biological and medical research. A variety of DNA sequencing methods have been developed in recent years. Currently, the dominant method is...
Anwendung: DNA sequencing
CAS 1048022-06-5
MW: 562.22 D
ab 605,00 €

Artikelnummer: ABD-17226

3'-O-Azidomethyl-dTTP is one of the four essential dNTPs (A, C, G, T) that are used for the DNA sequencing by synthesis (SBS). DNA sequencing is a fundamental tool in biological and medical research. A variety of DNA sequencing methods have been developed in recent years. Currently, the dominant method is sequencing...
Anwendung: DNA sequencing
CAS 1048021-85-7
MW: 537.21 D
ab 605,00 €
25 von 1923 Seiten